Reallusion iclone transparency issue png pro#
The timeline systems has greatly enhanced with highly expected features, it also well integrated with the new Curve Editor Plug-In for synchronous operation.Reallusion iClone Pro - программа для создания трехмерной анимации. The default transition type has changed from linear to curve. The redesigned DOF (Depth of Field) gives significant improvement over camera realism.
Reallusion iclone transparency issue png update#
V7.1 is the largest annual update for iClone 7.

The program interacts well with 2D graphics editors, thanks to which texture editing is forgiven, and also supports 3ds Max and Maya, with which you can create library items for characters. IClone projects can be used both for work and as 3D screensavers, screen savers for mobile phones and DVDs with home video. For this, the patented FaceTrix technology is used, which turns a photo into a 3D object. But the most interesting feature of the program is the use for people of heroes of photos of real people. IClone has a large library of movements that can be assigned to characters. In it, users can find already ready 3D-characters, as well as everything you need to create their virtual living space - clothes, props, landscapes.

Reallusion iClone - a program for creating three-dimensional animation.